Food & Drink. Pizza.
Humberto Primo 699
Historical pizzeria. Moscato pizza and faina.
In the year 1940, pizza was made in this establishment by two Spaniards, who would later found the "La Continental" pizzería chain, one of the most popular brands in Argentina. After many years, in 1960, Don Manolo, Don Baldomero and Don Raúl created La Moderna. You can therefore say that this restaurant on Humberto Primo street is the result of a long tradition and history of pizza, which has become an Argentine favorite, brought to us by our Italian ancestors. We must add that we have also contributed to this meal with our imagination, since "fugaza con queso" (onion pizza) is an Argentine invention.
Another very popular dish at La Moderna and in all Buenos Aires pizzerías is the "moscato, pizza and fainá" combo, i.e. a large glass of sweet wine with a triangular slice of fainá (a preparation made of chickpea flour) on top of a slice of pizza. It would be a shame to pass by these places and not stop to try the taste of our ancestors' cooking.